Competitive Eaters' 'FOOD-CHEAT' Drops 87 lbs.

Could food eating contests hold the key to losing weight?

Imagine this: devouring pizza, burgers, and fries—and STILL losing weight! Sounds crazy, right?

Here’s the jaw-dropping secret: top competitive eaters use a brain hack to stay fit. 

They’ve unlocked a switch that controls hunger and cravings, turning their bodies into fat-burning machines.

Picture this: Indulging in your guilty pleasures while watching the pounds melt away.

It’s not magic; it’s science! 


Keep reading, because I'm about to show you how to use this amazing technique to lose weight effortlessly.

Ready to wow your friends with your transformation? Stay tuned to uncover the secret science behind competitive eaters, and get ready to laugh your way to a slimmer you!

So, I hope you’re sitting down because what you're about to see is arguably...

the most monumental weight-loss breakthrough in decades

Clinically backed by medical researchers at the University of Rome, Italy, this discovery involves a rare compound that turns off hunger and melts stubborn body fat so effectively that you can lose 30, 50, or even 100 pounds or more in just weeks.


So… I urge you to settle in, and brace yourself. And whatever your do, don’t click away from this page… Because once Big Pharma and their lawyers wake up, this page will surely be banned to oblivion.

In the next 4 minutes and 26 seconds you’re going to hear about a secret weight loss weapon so groundbreaking, that insiders are dubbing it 'Nature’s Fat Torcher'!

And no, this is NOT about Berberine or some other sketchy herb that experts have proven worthless.

I guarantee, you have NEVER heard about what I’m revealing today... It’s virtually unknown to most of the world, including mainstream medicine.

This CANNOT be found in stores…

CANNOT be found on Amazon…

And it’s not some hokey fad diet you might have seen on the Internet.

You see, in a remarkable turn of events, arguably one of the strangest in the history of the diet industry, a secret doctor-led group of 24,237 women and men across the country, are using an all-natural, doctor-developed formula to keep eating what they love, without gaining an ounce of weight…

Still indulging in their favorite foods like pizza, burgers, pasta, or fries.

In fact, most claim they literally have to FORCE themselves to eat…

Causing them to melt stubborn body fat from every nook and cranny of their bodies, and experiencing dramatic weight loss of 37 pounds, 70 pounds, even up to 142 pounds and more.

And if consumer response is any indication of how well this is working, this freak discovery is nothing short of a miracle. 

These lucky women and men are buying up so much, that OUT-OF-STOCK signs are rampant and getting your hands on this elusive formula is nearly impossible.

Has everyone gone mad? Well… not really.

This solution is like nothing you've ever seen or tried before

You see, after the company began offering limited batches to overweight test groups, reports came flooding in that it had an effect eerily similar to Hollywood’s hottest weight loss frenzy.

That’s right, just like the needle injections everyone’s buzzing about, this natural formula tricks your brain into thinking it’s full. Helping you quickly and easily drop massive amounts of weight, shrinking your butt, hips, belly, and thighs.

But with one HUGE difference…

This is all-natural!

Meaning no brutal side-effects, no painful injections, and no more shelling out a staggering $1,000 EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH.

So, this means you no longer need to be a wealthy celebrity, or use your belly as a pin cushion, jabbing yourself silly with needles, just to experience the same dramatic body sculpting results you’re seeing plastered all over the Internet.

This was designed for YOU… And now it has never been easier, safer, and more affordable to get the body you’ve always dreamed of, without ever setting foot in the gym, or starving yourself to death with salads or low-calorie ready-made meals.

Now, I know what you might be saying:
“No F***ING way!”

Hey, you have every right to be skeptical. Heck, I wouldn’t believe it myself if it weren’t for the avalanche of success stories that have lit up my inbox:

I lost 11 pounds in the first week. You know, my husband the other day, he says, WOW! You look like the, the way I married you!


I lost 54 pounds. This is the first time I've gone down two sizes of clothing!


I lost a total of 40 pounds. If you can still walk through a place and turn a head or two, it still feels good.


I've lost 75 pounds, and the weight just fell off! My husband LOVES IT!


Tightening the belt every week... It's just... Liberating! Women smiling at me... After 22 years? Words cannot express... Rapid weight loss is awesome!


I lost 30 pounds. Oh, these shorts that I had to get because none of my other ones fit. Like those are way too big now!


Like I said, these results are NOT from the gaunt-face craze taking over movie stars and the entire nation right now. And it’s definitely not from any fad diet, keto, intermittent fasting, or funky-tasting slim shake.

As unbelievable as it sounds, this is all the result of over 20 years of research and cutting-edge medical science from prestigious Universities from all over the world, like the Sapienza University of Rome , Italy, Cambridge University, and University of Amsterdam.

And it’s now being offered in...

A safe and simple 2-minute daily ritual that you can do at home right now.

And as a 2023 research paper shows, this is quite possibly the most powerful drug-free weight loss discovery of our time.

Something that “competitive eaters” use to stay in shape, that not only addresses the root cause of excess body fat, uncontrollable overeating, vicious carb cravings and sluggish metabolism, but also miraculously balances moodiness, irritability, and constant fatigue.

This is unlike anything you’ve seen or tried before.

Prescription-type results in an all-natural formula that’s safer than a baby aspirin.

And you don’t even need a doctor’s visit.

Listen, if you’ve been struggling with your weight and sick and tired of diet failure after failure after failure… this probably sounds too good to be true… I GET IT.

And everything you’ve tried in the past... Every pill, meal plan, exercise program, or fad diet probably never worked.

If it did, you wouldn’t be reading this article today.

That’s why you have to keep reading!

Not only will you be shocked by what you discover, but you will be excited and encouraged, because for the first time in your life you will finally have THE ANSWER TO YOUR SEARCH.

But first, let me properly introduce myself.

My name is James Harper.

And you might think I’m a doctor, chemist, biologist, or anything related to human body science… But I’m none of those things.

I’m a 42-year-old IT professor from Atlanta, Georgia, happily married for 14 years to my college sweetheart, Emily, raising our beautiful baby boy.

So how on Earth did I go from teaching code to talking about food eating contests and exotic brain hacks that trick the body into losing crazy amounts of weight?

Well… telling my story is always a heart-breaking experience… It makes me feel uncomfortable and even ashamed… Because… we got robbed of our youth…

I met my sweet Emily in college.

She was a competing figure skater. Oh… What a sight she was… She was truly amazing. And we fell madly in love… Full of passion… We couldn't get enough of each other, both in and out of the bedroom.

We were always together, doing everything side by side. Our love was unbreakable, and every day felt like a special adventure together.

But 3 years after our little Jacob was born, she suffered a devastating knee injury that would end her passion and beautiful career.

As the years passed, I watched my beloved Emily go through a slow but undeniable transformation… Both physically and mentally. Her once slender, athletic figure gradually expanded.

And the pounds kept on adding up. Despite her efforts…

And she tried everything under the sun to drop the weight, conventional or not...

Everything from intermittent fasting, counting calories, and exercise routines to keto, detox smoothies, and pre-packaged foods… diet after diet after diet.

Sometimes she would lose 10lbs but would then gain back 15.

Then, I got excited when I discovered the new injections craze. I’m not gonna name it… Big Pharma is sending enough cease and desist letters as it is…

But you know what I’m talking about…

So I thought these “shots” were finally the answer, even if it cost around a THOUSAND dollars each month…

It’s become incredibly popular with celebrities and influencers who want to stay super skinny for the camera. Emily had seen a lot of famous people and even some of her friends lose weight with it.

So, she decided to give it a go.

And after just two weeks, she had lost 19 lbs.

She was clearly thrilled about the weight she’d lost, but at the same time, she was completely miserable because of the side effects. She was always nauseous and barely able to eat anything, even when she was hungry.

She couldn’t even stand the sight of her favorite foods like cheeseburgers and fries. She could rarely leave the house because her digestion was so bad. She had constant bloating, cramps, and diarrhea, forcing her to take medicine every morning to cope.

Yes. She had lost 19 lbs… But every moment of every day was torture. She felt terrible all the time. And taking care of our little Jacob became a painful ordeal.

After two weeks, happiness turned to fright. She was REALLY scared and said, “No more! I’m not sticking myself with these painful needles again. It’s too much. It’s killing me!”
Once she stopped, the side effects disappeared...

But the weight crept back. FAST!

So, the frustration continued and it was downright unbearable. As much as I wanted to be supportive, I couldn't help but notice how her confidence got crushed with each failed attempt to shed those extra pounds.

Over time, I felt her growing distant. Our sex life vanished…

I saw her losing the spark that had always drawn me to her. She’d stopped laughing, stopped going out of the house, sometimes staying in bed for days on end, looking at pictures from her skating days… crying…

I constantly reassured her that my love for her was as strong as the day I first saw her on that skating ring, reminding her that the woman I fell in love with extended far beyond mere appearances.

But… I wasn’t getting through to her… I felt helpless… I couldn’t help the woman I love… And I started fearing for the worst…

All until a fateful October evening.

I took Jacob to my mom, hoping that having the house for ourselves for a few days would help getting her out of her state.

But I was SO wrong...

When I got back home, I called for her, but she didn’t answer. I could feel my heart hammering in my chest as I walked up towards the bedroom. A chilling premonition crawling up my spine. 

Then I opened the door and what I saw made my blood turn cold.

Emily was lying lifeless on the floor, staring at the door like she’d been waiting for me to come and save her. I rushed and held her in my arms…

She looked at me and tiredly whispered…

“Baby… I’m cold”

I rushed her to the hospital where doctors struggled to stabilize her for hours.

That night I prayed to God for a miracle… And he was listening…

After 3 hours the doctor came out and told me “it was nothing short of a MIRACLE she pulled through”. Because she was clinically dead when she got to the ER.

If I’d gotten home 5 minutes later, she’d been gone…

Words can’t express how I felt… what went through my mind… I thought about her, about us… About our little Jacob… and thank God he wasn’t home that night…

I was crying tears of happiness she was alive… But I was screaming inside in mad anger…
Each beeping monitor, every sterile white sheet, the antiseptic scent that filled the hospital room… They were all reminders of my inability to help her. How could I let it get this far… Why didn’t I do more…

She had tried to take her own life…

And I felt it was all MY FAULT!

I knew I had to do something. Because, at that point, it was a matter of life and death…

So, even though I was still shaken up, the very next day I started searching frenetically for something that would help her not only with her weight, but also with her depression, energy, and mood.

I felt confident I could find what she needed. But I knew I had to take a different approach… Because we’d already spent thousands of dollars on basically everything “out on the market”, and look where that got us.

So, I went off the radar while doing my research, trying to think outside the box. I spent every penny I had on unconventional books, guides and courses, spent countless hours, and days, and weeks in the state library, going through research papers and medical journals, to the point where people started to believe I was working there...

And I even dived to my search engine’s 50th page…

Nothing I read held the answer to what I was looking for. But it did make me see a pattern.

All the medical journals and research papers, and everything that Emily had tried… Got me thinking… Why do we overeat? Why do we have cravings? Why doesn’t the body just say “STOP. You’ve had enough to eat. You’re full.”

What baffled me even more, were all the videos and articles I came across, on “competitive eaters”. These people literally stuff their faces in a contest to see who eats the most amount of food in the least amount of time.

But here’s the kicker… They’re all lean, fit, some even skinny. It’s like they were switching on and off from a hunger state on demand. It made no sense…

My theory was that the brain has a say in this. After all, that’s where our “fullness trigger” is. That’s our subconscious appetite regulator.


Was there something blocking Emily’s “fullness trigger”? And if so, how could I “turn it back on”?

I'm not a doctor, biologist, or a chemist… So I didn't have the answer, but I knew someone who would, my old friend Brian.

Brian is a professor, and the head of medical research at the university where I teach. Even more, he’s a certified MD with a degree in Internal Medicine.

We go way back, but what I came to like most about Brian is, that besides being a brilliant doctor, and medical researcher, he was always skeptical of Big Pharma and its mainstream mentality towards patients.

And when I went to see him, he was as friendly as ever. We chit chatted for a moment and then I got to the reason for my visit. I explained Emily’s hopeless situation and how that without a solution, I was afraid I was going to lose her…

I also explained my theory on the faulty “hunger control system” in the brain.

As I shared my research, I paused momentarily to make sure Brian was still with me. Because all I heard was silence.

Then he cleared his throat and said, "Everything you’re telling me is spot on... And I appreciate you turning to me with this.

We go way back, James… But before I say anything, you have to promise me that this conversation never leaves this room."

I was shocked… But I said yes. I promise!

“You see,” Brian continued, “I know exactly what you’re going through. And I know what Emily is going through… Because that’s exactly what my mother went through. Actually, that’s why I moved away from my practice, and started doing medical research here at the university. To find something that could help her battle her depression, her demons, and her weight…

And I can tell you this... It wasn’t her fault, and...

it’s not Emily’s fault!

Actually, for 98% of the people in this country who are overweight right now… It’s not their fault, either.

But that’s NOT why I made you promise.

This is why:

I found something 9 years ago… A research paper from the Sapienza University in Rome, Italy, on three separate human clinical studies conducted under the direction of two renowned Italian researchers, Carlo Cangiano and Fabrizio Ceci.

What they discovered was an extremely important and naturally occurring neurochemical in the brain that enhances the way neurons talk to each other. And plays a crucial role in your mood, sleep quality, energy levels, and appetite suppression.

A master control chemical called serotonin.

So, in their study, they supplemented women's diets with a serotonin booster – a specific serotonin plant extract, and that caused them to eat between 1000 and 2000 fewer calories a day with no struggle, and lost huge amounts of weight in only a few weeks.

Because, according to their research, when it comes to weight loss, serotonin has a very important job.

It tells the brain that you've had enough food through something called the satiety mechanism. That’s exactly the “fullness trigger” you were telling me about.

You see, without high serotonin levels, your brain thinks you’re still hungry, and sends a powerful red alert neurochemical signal to your “fullness trigger”, telling your body to start eating fast and stock up on carbohydrates.

So you were spot on with your theory. But the problem here is… This study isn’t new. It’s from 1989…

They sat on it for 35 years! 35, James!

No one up at Big Pharma wants this getting out. And honestly, I’ve been looking over my shoulder for the past 9 years. 

Not because I’ve read the studies…

But because I’ve made them work!

My mother lost a total of 84 pounds and stopped taking type-2 diabetes meds.

And that’s why I made you promise. Because that’s something the Pharma cartel will literally kill for.

Can you imagine how many millions of people they have, shelling billions into their pockets? Just like Emily. They’re not in the curing business.

They’re in the money-making business.

During the last 9 years I’ve helped thousands of people, friends and patients, lose 20, 40, 80, and even 100 lbs or more. I helped them win the battle against weight, depression, and the Pharma moguls sucking the dry.

I just… I couldn’t sit on it like they do. I have the answer to help them, and I did! And… I’m expecting a knock on the door at any moment. But I know I did the right thing!”

I was speechless… I mean… I had hopes coming into Brian’s office, but I wasn’t expecting, nor was I prepared for what I was about to hear…

Then he opened a drawer and took out a small brown bottle filled with tiny tablets.

“This is what I used to help my mother, and over a thousand people in the last 9 years, and it’s going to work for Emily too. Make sure she takes them every morning.

I was ecstatic! I thanked him from all my heart, and rushed home.

Emily started taking them every day, just like Brian said. And...

after just a week, we were in awe. She’d already dropped 14 lbs.

And then another 9, and then 8…

And for the first time in a really long while, I could see a smile on her face… She was losing all that weight, and she wasn’t tired, she wasn’t bloated, she wasn’t nauseous!

She felt GREAT!

As the weeks passed, she continued taking them, and the pounds kept melting off… 36 lbs in the first month, from every corner of her body, like blowtorch to butter.

And it was not just about the weight she shed, but the burdens she left behind…

Emily was radiating with happiness. Her mood turned 180. She was always smiling, waking up filled with energy and bliss each morning…

And her spark in her eyes, that I so longed for, was back!

After seeing her incredible transformation, I decided I had to give it a try myself. All those years sitting behind a computer had put its toll on my body too…

And after only 3 weeks, the scale had dropped by 22 lbs.

It was like we were reborn!

We talked, and laughed… We went out shopping for new clothes, and she bought these beautiful slimmer sexy dresses and tighter jeans, brimming with joy… We started going out again with our friends…

And we felt like kinky teenagers... Getting swept off our feet with every chance we got.

And that was only the first month!

She went on to lose a total of 87 lbs!

Going from lame baggy clothes to hot yoga pants, and from a sad, overweight, energy-less, sluggish zombie… To feeling like 20 again, happy, passionate, and full of life… And loving the person looking back at her in the mirror.

She got her body, her energy, and her life back. And I… I got my BRIDE back.

Now, all her friends were showering her with compliments, all jealous and desperate to learn her secret. They actually thought she was on some dangerous pills or shots…

But she was feeling great. 

She didn’t have cramps, bloating, diarrhea… 

She didn’t look gaunt, she wasn’t depressed… 


she was radiating with happiness and joy, and looked amazing.

Because this was ALL NATURAL!

Emily knew some of her friends really needed Brian’ help. And I could see it in her eyes. She wanted to help them… Even though they’d doubted her for so long…

“Honey, this is incredible! You have to talk to Brian. There are so many people going through what I went through. And I know how hard it is… And I also know where this can lead… This really is a matter of life and death. We have to get this to as many people as possible. And I was thinking… You work with computers all day long, maybe you can help him reach more people online? Because this is truly amazing!”

I called Brian the very next day and asked if we could come and see him.

And when we got to his office, Emily was in tears. She couldn’t thank him enough... I couldn’t thank him enough…

Brian had SAVED our lives!

So, I told him I’d like to help him save as many lives as possible, getting this amazing gift to as many people as we could, online. 

That way he could “stay out of the spotlight”, while still reaching thousands of people. And with my IT background and knowledge, I knew we could do it.

So after hearing me and Emily out, he finally agreed.

It took us almost two years to get everything ready, to get this incredible information documented.

And when we first went online with Brian’s initial formula, a year ago, even though I did my best, our servers crashed.

Over 24,000 people scrambled to get onboard, and the results they’ve shared with us since, are nothing short of mind-blowing.

Because it worked for EVERYONE! It’s THAT effective!

I'm talking about real people like Dana, a mother of three who experienced a dramatic change in look:

Or Jessie, a middle school teacher who is absolutely stunning!

Or Michael, a web developer with a passion for playing the guitar who's turning girls on their feet!

That’s right, over 24,000 people have now used Brian’s amazing initial formula to shed massive amounts of weight...

Without those $1,000-a-pop, side-effect-riddled drugs, invasive surgeries, starvation diets, or grueling meal plans.

Regular people, just like you, who’ve reclaimed their lives and melted away literal tons of body fat, sculpting lean, healthy bodies.

It was undeniable. A boost in serotonin is THE KEY to fast, massive weight loss!

And here’s why:

As Brian explained, serotonin has a crucial job. It tells your brain that you've had enough food, and “flips” the “fullness switch.”

The problem is, without high serotonin levels to trigger your brain to flip that switch, you just keep eating, ramping up your daily calorie intake, and ultimately gaining weight.

So, you need a serotonin boost to keep your appetite control center in check!

With HIGH serotonin levels, eating just a little satisfies both your stomach AND your brain… making you feel full faster!

So you eat less… and slim down.

Now… Brian’s challenge was where to get natural serotonin.

And a few European journals he read mentioned something that caught his eye: the Griffonia Simplicifolia plant.

A West African plant packed with huge amounts of raw serotonin, used for centuries by tribal healers to ease sadness, pain, and regulate body temperature and metabolism.

So he pulled every string and secured the best Griffonia extract he could find, experimenting with different parts of the plant, and doses, and ultimately concocting what he called the “Rocky” formula. 

Because it packs the biggest punch on fat!

So, at the core of Brian’s proprietary formula lies the remarkable Griffonia seed extract. The most potent source of raw serotonin in nature.

The same ingredient that the Italian researchers from Sapienza University in Rome, discovered boosts serotonin levels, turning off the alarms in your brain that cause severe cravings and overeating, leading to rapid weight loss.

That was the main ingredient in his initial mix.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Because he didn’t stop there. His goal was to create the most incredible and effective weight shedding formula ever seen.

And after all those years of pouring over every medical journal and study he could get his hands on, he uncovered more natural plant extracts that can amplify the effects of the original serotonin formula from the Griffonia seeds, supercharging the results.

So, he also added Stinging Nettle Leaf.

It’s not just a herb, but a living source of serotonin that not only slashes cravings, but according to 2020 research from the University of Maryland, can also neutralize the fat bomb’s fat-packing effects… preventing weight gain even on a high-fat diet.

So, hidden within the Nettle Leaf’s prickly embrace lies the very essence of this mood-enhancing, weight-shedding compound.

And it’s so much more than a weight loss aid; it supports your adrenal glands, which are integral to regulating metabolism, immune response, and stress…

All decisive factors in weight control.

With just these two ingredients, you'd be able to shed fat and see better results than with exercise alone.

But Brian added more. He wanted a solution that offered long-term results and would finally give you a trim, fit body for decades to come.

So the transformative journey continues with Vitamin B-6 and L-Tryptophan. 

Which according to medical researchers, is the supreme dynamic duo for mood and focus enhancement and is crucial in helping your body absorb and deliver serotonin, making you feel fuller, faster, and eating less without the struggle.

Next, Brian added something that’s finally going to give your brain the much-needed cravings alarm break.

Because the brain is often overlooked when it comes to detoxification.

So in order to do that, he looked at two exotic compounds:

First, was the Ashwaganda Root Extract.

Also known as the king of Ayurvedic meds, it's a root that grows deep within tropical areas of Southeast Asia and it’s been used for thousands of years in traditional ayurvedic medicine to reduce stress and anxiety.

But the most important effect is that of resetting the brain cravings-alarm and the “fullness switch”.

This root extract contains strong alkaloids, so along with being a cravings crusher, it actually also enhances sleep, lowers cortisol, keeping those hunger pangs at bay.

The second exotic compound Brian added for regulating cravings and appetite, is a rare Saffron Extract that can only be isolated during short periods of time during the year.

This limited quantity of saffron is so treasured that only a fraction of the amount produced is ever available on the global market, since this saffron strain has been used for hundreds of years to reduce cravings and suppress appetite.

And now scientists have discovered that saffron acts like a bomb to the neurons in the brain, reducing inflammation, turning off the alarm bells that cause compulsive eating.

Now that your brain is no longer in permanent alert mode, your body will finally give clear signals of how much you need to eat.

Next came something that ancient Egyptians have been using for over 4,000 years to regulate body weight and help them adapt and survive the scorching desert sun.

The White Kidney Bean Extract. It’s a potent force in blocking carb, starch, and fat absorption, reducing hunger, and suppressing appetite.

These special Egyptian beans are so full of powerful carb blocker phaseolamines, they actually decrease the body’s ability to digest carbohydrates.

In other words, this extract helps the body “ignore” fat-building carbs. So instead of digesting and transforming them into base sugars, and store them as flabby fat, you just poop them out.

But there’s more!

Some of Brian’s patients didn’t only suffer because their overweight bodies caused them shame and embarrassment. They were also hurt because extra weight meant not having enough energy to spend time with their kids, and not having enough stamina to get through the day.

That's why he included an additional ingredient in his formula to restore their energy levels, fulfill their desire to live life fully, and bring them the joy of going through the day without struggle.

This next ingredient’s first use can be traced back to 2373 BC in China, and is designed to boost brain focus and energy, preventing the all-too-common feeling of running on low power throughout the day…

With studies conducted by Kyoto University in Japan, highlighting its metabolic, stamina, energetic, and cardiovascular health benefits.

And that ingredient is Green Tea Extract.

Sourced from the Camellia Sinensis plant, found in the mineral-rich foothills of the Himalayas, Green Tea is so much more than a beverage.

It's a supreme super food.

A highly potent antioxidiser, metabolic accelerator, mood enhancer, and a catalyst for calorie-burning through thermogenesis…

Brian’s supercharged formula isn't just a collection of ingredients; it's a patented symphony of natural serotonin boosters, that he’s perfected for over 10 years, meticulously combined to set you on a path to weight loss success.

And comes with guarantees backed by scientific research, so it can finally do what no other weight loss product has been able to do before.

So you can finally quit the irritating, frustrating, and even “depressing” yo-yo diets you’ve been sold on for so many years!

That means no more eating like a rabbit, running out of breath at the gym every day, or thinking about expensive, risky surgery, dangerous pills or shots.

Now you can lose multiple inches off your waistline, melt that stubborn fat from your face, arms, stomach, legs, hips, and bottom and finally enjoy the body you DESERVE, without waiting years to see results…

...Or going through that irritating cycle of just losing 5 pounds... only to gain 10 back a month later!

This is not just hype: This will be you!

You will get the body you’ve always dreamed of without restrictive diets, calorie counting, intense workouts, or dangerous side effects.

A healthy and sexy body that you won’t have to hide anymore with baggy clothes.

A body that will look amazing and fit in all the clothes you always wanted to wear but couldn’t before.

Plus, along with the significant weight loss you’ll see, it will also lower high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and reduce risk of diabetes, heart attacks and strokes...

And even help support a healthy inflammatory response, maintain normal cholesterol levels, reduce stress and anxiety, ease aches and soothe joints, improve sleep, make your skin and hair healthy, boost your brain function and improve your overall health, well-being, and quality of life.

I know that’s a lot of major health benefits to go along with how great you’ll look, but you deserve this easy way to slim down using real science!

You deserve the body you’ve always dreamed of, to wear the clothes you always wanted to wear, and to look amazing!

You deserve the dream figure you’ve wanted for SOOO long, and to not be ashamed when looking at yourself in the mirror, and love the person looking back at you.

And this formula can do that for you!

No more dangerous yo-yo diets
No more struggle with willpower
No more difficult cravings
No more feeling deprived when eating a boring salad when out with friends
No more worrying about what the scale will show
No more worrying about your health!

Brian’s formula is packed with all-natural ingredients that work better than anything the weight-loss industry moguls could ever provide.

It was like the universe, and all the stars aligned to guide Brian through his research for a solution to help his mom, my dear Emily, me… and now you and thousands of others.

We knew we needed to use this blessing to help as many people as possible to regain their health and happiness by losing their excess weight, and even rebuild their lives.

Real people like Rick, who Brian helped lose 78 lbs and keep it off for over 4 years.

"I've known Brian for almost a decade now... And at one point I had it bad... I started slipping on the weight gain slope... He helped me get my life back with his amazing formula! It works, folks!"

So, in order to get this miracle to everyone who suffers with extra weight and everything else that comes with it, we knew we needed a partner to mass produce his amazing formula, and help us manufacture and package it.

And quality was our top priority.

I myself have taken natural solutions only to discover that what was inside the bottle and what was written on the bottle were two very different things.

So we searched high and low for a company we could trust, and found a company that always does their research and provides supplements with only the most potent ingredients, shipped from all over the world from secure and trusted sources, who can formulate and package in a FDA-registered, GMP-quality facility, right here in the USA.

So, once we found the right partner, we got to work making Brian’s formula he calls...


SeroBurn comes as 60 pills per bottle. And it stands out in a world full of teas, chewable tablets, greens, jellies, and chocolates…

Because unlike everything else, it’s straightforward, effective, and actually works!

And now that Seroburn is easily available to you, in just one week from now, you could be down 10-12 pounds or more, and you can see 25-30 pounds melt off in the first month alone…

Here’s exactly how this new supercharged version of his amazing formula works:

The Seroburn formula works during the day when you’re awake and firing on all cylinders, and when your metabolic rate is at its highest, using the nutrients you consume as energy.

You take Seroburn every morning to target fat burning, increase energy output and rev up your metabolism during your most active hours, while boosting serotonin to help keep hunger and emotional overeating at bay all day long.

If you use Seroburn correctly, it can literally change your life and give you the sexy body you know is in there, plus, you can be sure the results can last long term.

So far, thousands of people have used this formula at home, and I have yet to hear a single person complain about their results. I'm so thrilled that so many people got a chance to live a better, healthier, thinner life thanks to this amazing formula.

Here’s what a few of them said:

“My last venture was with Weight Watchers before this, and it quit working for me. With SeroBurn I’ve lost 39 pounds and I've been maintaining it ever since.”

Jane S.

“I’ve lost 92 pounds with SeroBurn. My doctor stopped all my medications.”

Harry D.

“SeroBurn really helped me curb the craving for carbs, which was one of my problems. It helped me lose 115 pounds.”

Nicole K.

And the truth is, we get hundreds of emails and messages everyday packed with positive testimonials like these.

By now you're probably wondering about the price of this product, and I could see why. Because it should cost a lot considering how well it works.

After all, over 24,000 people used it successfully, giving it thousands of 5-star ratings… As it made a huge difference for them and their lives.

That’s why, when we first launched Seroburn, we initially priced it at $197... And even at that price, we quickly sold out…

Our website actually crashed from the sheer number of people scrambling to grab at least one bottle for themselves and their loved ones. And unfortunately, there just wasn’t enough to go around…

But we did not do this for the money. Brian, Emily, and I… We wanted to make a difference in the lives of people. 

That’s why Brian finally decided to make his formula public. To help people like Emily and me… And you!

After seeing thousands of people regain their lives… After seeing Emily go from a wilted flower confined to a hospital bed to a vibrant woman blooming with zest of life, Brian realized the good we’re doing by sharing his amazing formula. And how many more we could help.

So Brian and I agreed to keep the price very low

And after a few weeks of going back and forth with our suppliers and manufacturers, we did it! We found a way to reduce costs without compromising quality.

That’s why you won’t pay the original price of $197.

Instead, right now, you have the opportunity to get his doctor-formulated, science-backed SeroBurn formula that helps boost serotonin production, and stops cravings at a cellular level, making you lose 40… 50… 60 pounds or more, in just weeks…

And in the comfort of your own home… Not even for the current price of $147…

That’s right! As long as this presentation is up, we'll cut the price for you even more, to just $59 today. So you get all the benefits with none of the costs and drawbacks.

$59 for his cutting-edge formula…

That’s only $1.97 per day for a new life! And less than $6 per pound lost.

That's cheaper than the coffee you enjoy in the morning.

Just take two capsules in the morning for at least 30 Days. And week after week, you can see the numbers on your scale drop!

Now, it's very important that you take this formula for 30 days, to give the Griffonia extract, and the other supporting ingredients, time to go to work.

And here’s why:

My experience, from the 24,000 people that have already slimmed down using SeroBurn, has taught me that the first month usually sees the most results.

But Brian and I always recommend at least 3 months or more to get the best results., because...

the longer you take SeroBurn… The more excess weight you can lose.

Ever since we launched SeroBurn, many of our customers have shared it with their friends and family members…

And I realized, this put a tremendous strain on our inventory, causing us to sell out each new shipment within only days of receiving it.

Plus, because we only allow the best ingredients and extracts in our manufacturing process, we only make SeroBurn in small batches, which very often takes as long as 3 months to deliver.

Which means...

when we run out of inventory, you may have to wait at least 3 months to get your hands on SeroBurn.

We apologize for this. But we have to be very strict when it comes to quality, even if it does cause delays sometimes.

However, as long as you’re on this page, our system automatically places a hold on our inventory for you.

So as long as you don’t leave this page, we’ve got some SeroBurn set aside just for you. However, if you do leave, we can’t guarantee your supply when you come back.

This is why I recommend getting at least 3 bottles of SeroBurn at a time, and 6 if you want to be completely safe…

So, make sure you stock up and don't interrupt your weight-melting journey because you run out...

Plus, if you take advantage of our absolute best deal, the Doctor Recommended Six-Month Supply, not only will we give you a $648 discount off the retail price, but we'll even include your shipping and handling for free.

And on top of that...

we will also include a very special free bonus gift worth $138 on its own.

Here’s what I’m talking about:

While reengineering his proprietary formula, Brian also developed a breakthrough formula called SeroBurn PM.

This formulation was designed to supercharge your night time results.

It’s specifically designed for when you’re sleeping and your metabolism slows down and focuses on breathing, digesting, blood circulation, and cellular reproduction.

You take SeroBurn PM before bed to help promote weight loss by focusing on evening appetite suppression and reduced nighttime sugar cravings and bingeing.

This calming formula helps you wind down and get deep, uninterrupted sleep, while supporting continued fat burning and metabolism all night long, so you’ll wake up energized and refreshed, ready to fuel the day’s metabolic fire.

Now… We only produce SeroBurn PM in limited batches, and it’s valued at $69 a bottle. But since you’re here with us today, I want to give it to you as a gift. In fact, if you choose the Doctor-Recommended 6 bottle pack below...

I will give you not one, but two bottles of SeroBurn PM, on the house.

So you can experience the full spectrum of power and potency of the complete SeroBurn formula.

But if you only get the one bottle starter pack, we can't guarantee that when you come back, we'll have the same deal… Or even if we have stock at all… As some of our clients buy the full six-month supply not only for themselves, but also for their husbands, their sisters, their mothers, and their best friends.

And because the six bottle packs have free shipping, a larger pack makes shipping more affordable for us. So we can pass all those savings on to you.

So, join the 87% of savvy customers who are seizing this opportunity to dissolve fat, save money, and ensure long lasting results for themselves and their loved ones with our Doctor Recommended Six-Month Supply discounted package below:


Secure your package while stock lasts!